The Official fuel of NASCAR™ Now Available!
Brown's Oil Service is pleased to announce the availability of SUNOCO RACE FUELS™ Call today for more information.
The Legendary T&T Motosports Now stocking SUNOCO FUELS
T&T Motosports was one of the backbone sponsor from the "good old day's" of THIRD GEAR PINED race series. Started by Tony Burnside in May of 2000, they have been serving Indiana riders proudly since then, and they are ready to serve the entire United States. T&T stock's anything from OEM ATV, Motorcycle, UTV parts to the trailer you haul your equipment in. Anything that you have questions on can be answered from them whether its about parts or racing itself. Talk to Jake Rakowski today about SUNOCO racing fuel. NOW AVAILABLE!
Located: 6860 ST RD 67 North Martinsville, Indiana 46151
Call: 317.834.6836
Dragon Race Fuels available at MAXC Racing Series
Brown's Oil Service is pleased to have Dragon Racing Fuels now available through Cunningham Racing this year for retail during the 2012 MAXC Racing season. Dragon will also be posting a contingency program to receive Drogan Dollars for top finishers during the 2012 season. Stay tuned
PENN GRADE 1® High Porformance Oil
Order Today! Call Brown's Oil Service
The term “100% Pure Pennsylvania Grade Crude Oil” has long carried with it an industry connotation for being one of the best sources of high quality lubricant base stocks in the world. Our BRAD PENN® refinery, the oldest continuously operating lube oil refinery in the United States, still refines 100% Pennsylvania grade crude oil. PA grade crude oil is a very thermally stable paraffinic crude oil which contains no asphaltic constituents. This makes it an ideal choice from which to refine premium quality base oils. Because we use only one crude stock, our refined products are of consistently high quality and performance.
BRAD PENN® brand products are truly “MADE IN THE U.S.A.” American Refining Group’s Bradford, PA refinery is the home of “The Green Oil®” that racers, engine builders and enthusiasts alike have all come to know and love! The unique green color and outstanding performance of our Penn Grade 1 High Performance Oils set them apart from the competition.
BRAD PENN® Penn Grade 1® High Performance Oils are formulated using a unique base oil cut from our tower, which gives our Penn Grade 1® High Performance Oils exceptional film strength. This unique base oil causes our Penn Grade 1®High Performance Oil to cling tenaciously to engine parts to minimize wear during high engine torque loading and/or periods of heavily stressed operation such as those experienced during competition. This same oil ‘cling’ helps prevent ‘dry-start’ conditions to minimize wear even after the engine has been sitting idle for extended periods.
BRAD PENN® Penn Grade 1® High Performance Oils also contain highly effective detergent and dispersant additives to guarantee exceptional engine cleanliness as well as oxidation and foam inhibitors that offer protection against thermal degradation and air entrainment.
In addition to our unique base oil cut, increased concentration of “zinc” (zinc dialkyldithiophosphate a.k.a. ZDDP) provides outstanding anti-wear/anti-scuffing protection for engines employing either ‘flat tappet’ or roller cams. BRAD PENN® Penn Grade 1® High Performance Oils have been evaluated by a number of premiere camshaft manufacturers with tremendous success. Many are now recommending our Penn Grade 1® High Performance Oils to provide outstanding protection for their ‘flat tappet’ or roller cams.
For Treatment Against Bacteria Growth
Fuel Shock can be added to contaminated fuel supplies to kill bacteria present in diesel fuel. This includes vehicle gas tanks as well as fuel supply tanks and storage tanks used to fuel individual vehicles
Battling Bugs in Your Diesel Fuel
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Diesel fuels and home heating oils are often stored in conditions that can lead to intimate contact with water. Under these storage conditions the growth of micro-organisms can occur. If left uncontrolled and untreated, such microbial growth can produce dense masses that are capable of clogging filters, pumps and fuel lines. Microbes also release organic acids which can accelerate corrosion of metals that can result in damage to storage tanks and fuel pumping equipment.
A Treatment Solution and Preventive Measure, All in One!
When added to contaminated fuel at the recommended treatment rate, Fuel Shock will kill and control any microbial growth that is present in diesel fuel or home heating oil. Fuel Shock can also be used to shock treat a fuel storage tank that is infested with a large population of micro-organisms. Fuel Shock will kill these micro-organisms so that they can be removed from the system.
After the micro-organisms are killed, the fuel should be pumped out of the storage tanks and filtered to remove the water bottoms and sludge containing the micro-organisms. In extreme cases, where severe microbial growth has occurred and this growth is attached to the walls of the storage tank, the tank should be thoroughly cleaned before the treated fuel is placed back into the tank.
We are pleased to announce that Mud Motorsports now offers SUNOCO Racing Fuels. Be sure to stop in and talk to Josh Lane about the available products, including STANDARD 110 available in bulk (BYOC) "Bring Your Own Can!". Mud Motorsports offers tune-ups, repair, and maintenance on ATV's and Dirtbikes. If you live in the Martinsville area, they can help you. Mud Motorsports also carries the hottest new products. If you’re looking for the latest and the greatest dirt accessories, let Mud Motorsports help!
Mud Motorsports